Arab Spring, Islam and the Changing Contours of the Arab Politics

I will begin by quoting some statements regarding the Arab Spring/ dignity Revolution which
speaks in volume about the existing situation and other’s views about the Arabs.
Mao-It is too early to say about the French revolution
One voter said- I voted because I did not know the result (Political corruption)
French Magazine said – see the revolution can touch even the Arab World (Status Quo)
Suddenly to be an Arab is a good thing( Rashid Khalidi
One global bank, HSBC, described for the Arab world an year (2013) of famine and Gulf
Feast and North Africa Famine, the kind of budget deal by KSA and Qatar and lack of
growth and unemployment in North Africa feast.
There is History of Past Revolt and nothing new in Arab Spring
It is not the first revolt in the Arab world has seen as there have been several regional wave of
political mobilization in the past and one should not overly impressed by Arab uprising. There is
long history of protest, demonstration and rebellion against the government. There overdosed
Romanticism of the Arab Spring.I will cite some instances of the revolt in the past before the
arrival much-hyped Arab Spring.
In 1950s large number descended don street demanding Arab unification. Between 1954
and 58, millions of Jordanian, Lebanese, Syrian and Iraqi came on the street for
unification .Broadcast on Nasser’ Voice of Arab helped in the same way as today Al-
jazeerah is doing .
Popular movement of 50 and 80 brought people on the road
Algerian civil war of 1990 preceded by civil protest
Jordanian and Tunisian assertion is well known in 80s and 90s. 1989 riot in Jordan forced
some kind of for political reform
In Kuwait war, Yemen and Jordan sided with the public opinion by siding with Iraq.
Intifada of 1987 and 2000
Lebanon rose up against Syrian occupation and Cedar revolution in Lebanon after
assassination of Hariri in 2005to force Syria to leave the territory
Kefayah movement in Egypt demanding political reform in 2003
Qabata movement of 2005 in Jordan which was equal of Kefayah of Egypt
Bread riot on Yemen, Jordan and Algeria that opened some defensive democracy
Kuwait war brought million on street.
Bread riot in Egypt in 1977
Saudi expressed resentment over deployment of force , a Sahwa group of Islamist
advocated for political changes
In 1984, Tunisia has riot in different part without the face book
Green movement in Iran against Ahmad Najad.
Bread riot and labour moment had been the usual feature of Tunisian politics itself
What made 2001 different was not protest but success in deriving the rulers. The framing
of multiple locals acts of protest into single coherent regional narrative on Al-Jazeerah
and social media.
What distinguished the present Arab Spring is the following.
A creation of Virtual Community and social media and the internet culture
It has unified the Arab political space .A unified Arab world was never felt more
real before this incident. This made people much more participatory, deferential
to authority, much less patient, much less perceptible to regime propaganda.
Internet activist created a common Arab public sphere (pan-Arab identity). A
new kind of pan- Arabist Identity was created and the protestors’ developed and
pan-Arab outlook
Qaddafi said about the internet that any drunken person can write anything and
you believe it. It is like a vacuum cleaner and it can suck anything. Shall we
become the victim of face book?
Role of bloggers and cyber dissidents
What Arab Spring is:
It has been termed the Awakening of under- privileged class, Dignity revolution Arab
Revolution, Arab uprising (intifada) and Arab renaissance). Some has called it autumn of the
Patriarch. Other has called it a post normal world and a tiger-wounded reaction. A movement of
“creative destruction.
This process was broad based non-violent with no specific political affiliations. After a decade of
status quo and resignation, Arab had seen some upheaval. The field of possibility has expanded.
What Arab Spring stands for?
Shibli Tilhami, an American political scientist, defined Arab Spring as the prism of the
pain through which Arab made the sense of their political condition.
Flight from culture of authoritarianism and urge for democratic participation.
It was a cry for transformation of political self- power of the Arab people.
This rebellion was a refusal of the obedience to the autocratic and foreign-dictated
Cry against the oil-fuelled growth of power of Saudi State
It is about the reconstruction of Arabs’ social and political order.
A movement against the collusion between the agents of external hegemony.
It is an Arab march sharing a common struggle.
Demolition of falls cultural assumptions about the Arabs.
It has debunked several culturalist assumptions on the Sociology of the Arab region
inherent incompatibility between Islam and Democracy
“Arab Street” is essentially violent, chaotic, and unmanageable and undemocratic
Arab society is fundamentally patriarchal.
Arabs’ women are condemned to lead a secluded life.
Arabs’ social structural and are not receptive of new ideas.
Muslim masses can only be mobilised through religious exhortation,
They cannot represent but should be represented.
Culturalist’s assumption of political sociology of the region has been wiped out
Causes of the Arab Spring– (1) Precondition (2) precipitants (3) trigger
Its reasons Reason can be traced in the womb of the autocratic character of the regime in
post colonial Arab world. It was collective expression of the grievances against the
prevailing conditions of people.
Emergency Law.
Limited political activities and political freedom.
Unemployment and poor education and health
Human deprivation, blockade politics, hopeless economics, rampant corruption,
indifferent abusive state.
Moral degeneration, cultural fossilization,
Lost human dignity and loss of sovereignty,
Imposed” authoritarian political system.
US Intervention and Occupation. Non-resolution of the Question of Palestine which has
remained an imagined community for most of the Arabs
Promotion of narrows state-centric patriotism by 1980s when Pan-Arabism had died.
America’s role in maintain the old status quo
Regime carefully patrolled the political sphere of dissent
Family kleptocracy
Absence of social justice, equality.
Privatisation and corruption in Public assets
Mubarak’s inheritance/ Dynastic Republicanism
Parliamentary election of 2010 where was no opposition and MBH was banned
Amendment in the constitution in 2005
Sad Eddin Ibrahim called Gumlukiyah ( combination of monarchy and republic )
Kifayah Movement for political reform.
1900 demonstrations between 2004-8
2623 factory strikes between 1998-2008 which were crushed by the state.
Privatization and unemployment.
April 06 in 2008 large textile strike
National Movement for Change by El-Baradei
Regime out of touch, arrogant, Islamic movement continued to transform the public
Regime had faced down several creative and fearless protest and acting cookies and
taunting the opposition with state-mange election
Regional politics was stalled on Palestine and in 2010; no summit took place on
The government had become the government of Jamal Mubarak
Horrific image of Iraqi civil war and refuge crisis provoked the masses
In form of self-immolation by Bouazizi in southern Tunisia.
Three major deficits:
Economic deficit Arab Spring is the voice of the liberation of the orphans of the
globalization and the corrupt laden economic policy of kleptocracy.
Political deficit authoritarian-despotic political and governance systems where
all forms of political opposition and mobilisation known to modern societies –
political parties, trades unions, the independent press, and liberal liberties of
various sorts were thoroughly suppressed
Dignity deficit it is about the alienation of the demographically dominant age
groups from the political and economic order and from the mainstream society.
Common people are suffering from a deep syndrome of powerlessness,
hopelessness and lack of social security.
Analogy of Arab Spring: Analogy of hope on the line of Central and East European
revolution of 1989 when liberal democratic ideals emerged. There is analogy of fear
based on the comparison of the Arab Spring with Iran’s Islamic revolution in 1979.There
is analogy of wisdom based on the comparison of the Arab Spring with Europe’s 1848.
Where is Political Islam in this entire process?
All praise is to Allah, today I can see those faces in Parliament about whom in past even
an utterance was a legal crime”: Egyptian Prime Minister, Kamal Ganzouri in his address
to the National Assembly.
Islamist shifted from social reform to political activism and formed the party.
Everywhere, appeal to Islam has become a common reference and the dictators call the
movement a radicalized Islamic movement.
Oliver has called it post-Islamist revolution while other has called it the third age of
Islamists forces have been spurred into action in search of the role and gains in the fourth
Egyptian calling Egypt in advance the Islamic republic of Egypt under Qarzavi
Arab Spring has created a situation where no longer it is possible to denounce the
Islamists. Islamists have got an independent place and new public space for the first time.
Two things have proved- compatibly of Islam with democracy (election of the President
and Parliament) and religious diversity.
Transformation political Islam from preacher to judge as claimed by successor of Banna
about the role of MBH as a preacher only.
Islamist in power will have greater difficulties as the history has proved. Resistance to the
regimes enhances its credentials like in Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Palestine and where they
are sharing power in Algeria and Morocco. There have been inconsistencies in the
principle they espouse and principle they adopt when come to power. Their real strength
lies in opposition.
Azhar became dominance, MBH became political, and Salafism became surprisingly
poetical when they demonstrated demanding the inclusion of Islam as a main source of
legislation. Sufism became prominent in the society after remaining in isolation for
hundred years. Azhar and Sufi remained silent vis-à- vis revolution. Neo liberal Islam
came in prominence opposing the radicalism among middle class and extremist
organization like Jihad and Jamaat became instinct
Azhar came prominent and wanted to be free from the political clutches unlike past when
they were according legitimacy to regime. It is evident when the played mediatory role in
agreement between the government and national salvation front.
First time MBH invited for talk by the representative of the regime.
First time, division was witnessed in the party and Abu Futuh was suspended. There are
four streams in MBH which became visible like one called fort rejection of traditionalism
and opting for Ijtihad; second represented by Azhar school of thought basing their
thought on four schools; third represented by Qutb school of philosophy and last is
represented by Salafist school of thought.
So far the Islamist have an ideological contestation with the western elite but now they
have to face an internal criticism from Salafism and other traits. Dr Khattar Abu Dayyab
says that political Islam will be forced to transform its ideology in a given circumstances
A series of questions to be posed to the Islamist in post-revolutionary phase– what is
Shariah, who is true Muslims, use of violence, whether Islamic activism should be part
of social organization or at like a party , role of women and relation with the people of
other community, the relation between state and region, contestation between modernity
and traditionalism, a comprehensive common minimum political programme and
preference between individual or organization.
The real concern for believer in political Islam is to highlight the democratic element of
Islamic polity. Even MBH joined the movement later because of three apprehension –(1)
not to give it a Islamic color (2) did not know the exact trajectory (3) sure to yield the
real fruit. There were sharp division inside MBH regarding response to the uprising
Freedom and Justice Party which include Christian Copts has gone out of its way to say
that it seeks a constitution that respects both Muslims and non-Muslims and committed to
pluralistic and democratic Egypt.
It gave a new slogan to theocracy loving Islamist and western puppet secularist. It has
triggered a real debate between western and the Islamist.
What model of Islam will be integrated in the revolution invested country – Saudi where
democratic election is still as contrary to Islamic tradition. Turkey which has taken up the
Islamic project of democracy and where Shariah is taken as strive to lessen the corruption
and promote freedom. Iran which was not hesitant to claim it as an extension the Islamic
revolution. Turkish PM visit to Egypt and Tunisia created an apprehension amongst the
Arab who called this an endeavor for re-ottomanization and some expressed anger when
he suggested to embrace secularism
Islamist will have to respond to the pragmatic challenges of the day. For instance Mursi
in his lecture at Oxford spoke about the constitution, rule of law and democracy and all
these are contentious issue in reference to Islam but he not uttered about social, economic
and political issue – poverty, education and unemployment. At present Islamist are
sounding very defensive.
Arab Spring for Islamist has brought departure from ideological debate to political
debate, from confrontation to conformation, from exclusion to inclusion.
Ennahda won majority of the votes and has formed the coalition with liberal and
A scope of new interpretation of Islam has emerged.
An ideological division within Islam like Salafist and moderate voices has emerged.
Changing Contour of the Arab Politics:
The Arab Spring is not of monolithic character and the response of the masses in the region has
been at variance with each other..
There are three major scenarios in the aftermath of the Arab Spring
Optimism-Tunisia is a rise in hardline, Salafist groups, which Ennahda seem to find politically –
and perhaps ideologically – difficult to quell. Secular Tunisians are horrified by the emergence of
extremist brands of Salafism, and by the debate about Islamist-shaded clauses in a new
constitution. Still, while the transition has been messy and the country is divided, the problems of
violence and poverty in Tunisia are less acute than in its post-uprising sisters, Libya and Egypt.
Egypt- Egypt is a polarised nation still coming to grips with the challenges of democratic
government. The divisions now besetting Egypt are partly rooted in a poorly conceived roadmap.
Islamist forces, who spent decades planning for a chance to run Egypt, dominated that balloting
and the process of drafting a new national charter that followed. Liberals, secularists and
moderate Islamists now have little say in governing the country. People are no longer afraid to
shout their beliefs in the streets of the cities and villages. Can Egypt create the modicum of a
functioning democracy? Can its economy be lifted out of the doldrums? No one is certain. But
say this for Egyptians: they are no longer apathetic.
Uncertainty- Yemen is geographically most distantly located. A region is culturally, tribally,
socially and geographically fragmented making the situation very complicated a complicated
story, Al-Qaeda, Nasser socialism. Not the army like Syria who fought the protestors first but it
was tribal chiefs who at the behest of their leaders were fighting and trying to defeat the opposite
factions. There are leaders who are imposing their tribal agenda and forcing the masses to join
their respective tribal camp. The culture of nepotism and opportunistic tribal and political
alliance has inhibited the emergence of unity against the regime. Yemen was given to GCC. Its
intervention in Bahrain and NATO in Libya defined the third temporality late of Arab Spring.
Libya- Libya has moved move from eccentric, often brutal, one-man rule to post-conflict
democracy has been cushioned by its small population and vast oil wealth.It has no tradition of
structured government and a profusion of proliferation of heavy weapons became painfully
apparent this year. Militias rallying outside the government building and firing anti-aircraft guns
have influenced policies and slowed the establishment of a central government. Tribal and
regional rivalries colour political debate and decision-making. Security problems – car bombs,
tribal fighting, urban shootouts, and attacks on foreigners – have increased as wartime militias
operate freely, out of the control of the ministries that pay them. But 2013 will be a crucial,
tough test for the new Libya
Syria- The face of Syria today is unrecognisable from two years ago, when the Arab uprisings
began. Stability, calm and the all-powerful, incontestable grip of the government's security
apparatus have vanished. Those demonstrations now seem to have taken place in another
universe, where hopes of political reform had not been washed away in a sea of blood, fear and
anger. The one obvious constant in this period of tumult has been the regime's world view, an
outlook featuring Syrians who unquestionably love their leaders and proudly pay for their
defiance of Zionist-orchestrated international conspiracies. Damascus, its suburbs is now war
zones and less has changed with the coming of the Arab Spring, Syria now wears its troubled
heart on its sleeve.
Pessimism-GCC- Arab Spring, so far is more success in republics and its appeal is less and less
in the Arab Gulf monarchies. Arab Spring has not penetrated the petro monarchies that hold the
conservative and literalist vision of Islam. The difference is the absence of deception in the Saudi
unlike Egypt which has all the democratic institution in the name sake. There is no chance for
greater change.When Bahrainis of all political persuasions look across the causeway to Saudi
Arabia, they often remember March 14, 2011, the day Saudi troops operating under a Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) mandate helped put down protests in the kingdom. To the country's
ruling family and pro-government political blocs, the intervention pulled the country back from
chaos. Opponents and critics of the government say, however, it was an excessive response to the
reasonable political demands of most demonstrators. Whether or not the GCC saved Bahrain
from anarchy, it has played a key role during the Arab Spring. Money from GCC members has
helped stabilize some governments in the region and aided the opponents of others. Of the
US$17.5 billion donated to the Middle East and North Africa between January 2011 and June
2012, $7 billion came from the GCC, the International Monetary Fund says.Saudi Arabia alone
has so far dispersed $3.66 billion to countries in the region, including Egypt and Yemen, and
pledged $14.26 billion more. Kuwait is funding massive housing projects in Bahrain. After
supplying aid to the rebels who overthrew Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, Qatar is doing the
same for the opponents of Syria's Bashar Al Assad. The foreign aid, as well as increased social
spending at home, is a recognition that economic grievances have helped breed instability across
the region.
Unaffected by Arab Spring – UAE Iraq, Palestine, Kuwait Lebanon, Sudan, and Palestine –had
nowhere to go and so was indifferent
Iran is poised to be one of the Arab Spring's big losers as it braces for the likely collapse of the
flailing Syrian regime, its only government ally in the Arab world. That would threaten Iran's
supply lines to Hizbollah, which gives Tehran a proxy presence on Israel's northern border. A
new Syrian government could also tilt the balance of power in the Gulf in favour of Saudi
Arabia, Iran's main Arab rival which has funded Syrian revolutionaries. Hamas has distanced
itself from Tehran because of Syria. For partly the same reason, the new Islamist government in
Egypt is politely keeping its distance from Tehran, which has ardently courted Cairo to help ease
its international isolation.
Turkey, backed efforts to unseat Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, Muammar Qaddafi in Libya and
Bashar Al Assad in Syria. The policy shift in Syria was the most radical of all, because it came
after years of close cooperation between Turkey and the Syrian government that included joint
cabinet meetings. At the same time, the government has been trying to capitalise on the wave of
changes by presenting Turkey's Muslim majority and secular republic as a model for the region.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister, can point to some successes, such as blossoming ties
with the Morsi government in Egypt. But Turkey's approach has not been welcomed everywhere,
with regional rival Iran expressing anger at Ankara's efforts to become a dominant regional
player and relations with Iraq deteriorating rapidly.Critics at home say Mr Erdogan has pushed
Turkey to the brink of war with Syria and into an alliance of Sunni states confronting Shiite
powers in the region. As ties with Tehran, Baghdad and Damascus become more strained
Overall Regional Scenarios
There was unanimity in the freedom from but sharp division when it came to freedom to
after the spring.
Sectarian question in Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi, and Bahrain is likely to emerge in the back
drop of the situations in Syria.
Revolutionary versus evolutionary and Rise of sectarianism
Import of political Islam in different parts of the region
Redefining of the Arab identity in term of Shiite and Sunni and Kurdish
An ideological battle between Saudi and Iran for hegemony over the Arab world.
Iraq-Syria differences over the control of infiltrators. Earlier Assad regime send fighters
to fight against US and now the same force are creating problems for Assad.
Rise of hegemonic ambition.
Turkey-Syria difference and problem of refugees.
A new dimension to Arab-Israeli crisis.
Rise of Kurdish issues in the region.
The entry of global power once again in the region in form of China and Russia.
Regional intervention like Qatar support to MBH, Saudi to Salafist and UAE to Liberal
A huge investment in public sector by Saudi and Qatar to quell the uprising.
Turkey has emerged as a new regional player what some call a new Ottomanism.
It is being disused as a model because of its democracy and economic performance and
foreign policy.

अतिक्रमण मुक्त बनेगा बलिया, मिलेगी जाम से मुक्ति, डीएम ने व्यापारियों के साथ की बैठक

बलिया को अतिक्रमण मुक्त बनाने की दिशा में लगातार काम हो रहा है। इसी कड़ी में जिलाधिकारी प्रवीण कुमार लक्षकार ने व्यापारियों और अधिकारियों के साथ बैठक की। इस दौरान डीएम ने शहर के विकास की योजना पर चर्चा की। डीएम ने कहा कि उनका मुख्य उद्देश्य शहर की प्रमुख सड़कों को जाम मुक्त करना और बेहतर यातायात व्यवस्था स्थापित करना है। रेहड़ी-पटरी वालों को बेरोजगार किए बिना शहर का विकास करने की योजना है।
बैठक में मुख्य विकास अधिकारी ओजस्वी राज,अपर जिलाधिकारी डीपी सिंह,मुख्य राजस्व अधिकारी त्रिभुवन,अपर जिलाधिकारी नमामि गंगे राजेश कुमार गुप्ता,उप जिलाधिकारी सदर आत्रेय मिश्रा व अभिनेंद्र सिंह सहित अन्य संबंधित अधिकारीगण एवं व्यापारीगण उपस्थित रहे। बैठक में डीएम ने बताया कि रेलवे ओवरब्रिज के नीचे नए रास्ते का निर्माण, 30-40 फीट चौड़े नए मार्गों का विकास और पुराने मार्गों का चौड़ीकरण शामिल है। जगन्नाथ चौराहे से माल्देपुर तक का निर्माण कार्य जारी है। चित्तू पांडे चौराहे को स्थानांतरित करने की योजना है। महाराणा प्रताप चौराहा सहित 10 से अधिक चौराहों का निर्माण और सौंदर्यीकरण किया जाएगा।
बैठक में व्यापारियों से अपील की गई कि वे अपना सामान दुकान की सीमा में ही रखें और साइनेज बोर्ड या निर्माण सामग्री सड़क पर न रखें। नगर पालिका परिषद ने 10 प्रमुख मार्गों को चिह्नित किया है, जहां से अतिक्रमण हटाया जाएगा। यातायात व्यवस्था को सुधारने के लिए ई-रिक्शा के लिए रंग-आधारित रूट निर्धारित किए जाएंगे। वन-वे रूट, रूट डायवर्जन और ट्रैफिक लाइट की व्यवस्था की जाएगी। प्रमुख चौराहों पर यातायात पुलिस की उपस्थिति सुनिश्चित की जाएगी। रेलवे ओवरब्रिज के डिवाइडर पर फूलों के पौधे लगाकर सौंदर्यीकरण भी किया जाएगा।
छोटे व्यापारियों, ठेले वालों,सब्जी और फल मंडी आदि को व्यवस्थित रूप से स्थल उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा। इसके लिए 15 से अधिक गलियां चिन्हित की गई हैं। पार्किंग स्थल को भी चिन्हित किया गया है। जिसमें लोहिया मार्केट में अस्थाई पार्किंग स्थल बनाया जाएगा। इसके अतिरिक्त 05 पार्किंग स्थल चिन्हित किए गए हैं।
जल्द ही बलिया को एक्सप्रेस-वे के साथ ही बाईपास भी प्राप्त होगा। अगर कोई गाड़ी आदि को बीच रास्ते में खड़ा करता है, तो उसे क्रेन से हटवाते हुए जब्त करते हुए जुर्माना लगाया जाएगा। यदि कोई रास्ते पर अवैध अतिक्रमण करता है,तो रुपए 20 हजार का भी जुर्माना लगाया सकता है और एक साल की सजा भी हो सकती हैं।
नगर पालिका बलिया के दुकानदारों, व्यापारियों और आमजन का सहयोग लेने के लिए जिला प्रशासन द्वारा स्टिकर लगाया जाएगा। हरे रंग का स्टीकर उन लोगों के दुकान पर जो स्वयं अपनी दुकान को व्यवस्थित कर लेंगे तथा जो नहीं करेंगे, उनकी दुकान पर लाल रंग का स्टीकर लगाया जाएगा। नगर पालिका बलिया में ग्रीन बेल्ट भी बनाई जाएगी और वृक्षारोपण एवं सुंदर फूलों से रास्तों को सजाया जाएगा।
इसके अतिरिक्त बलिया में मॉडल स्ट्रीट जोन बनाया जाएगा, जिसे बलिया सर्कल 2.0 के नाम से जाना जाएगा। यह सर्कल कलेक्ट्रेट से प्रारंभ होकर कुंवर सिंह चौराहा से होता हुआ नवीन प्रस्तावित महाराणा प्रताप चौराहा और स्टेडियम से होता मिड्डी चौराहे से पुनः कलेक्ट्रेट तक का सर्किल होगा।
बलिया के चिलकहर में अराजक तत्वों ने तोड़ी अम्बेडकर प्रतिमा, पुलिस बल तैनात

बलिया के चिलकहर स्थित गड़वार थाना क्षेत्र में अम्बेडकर प्रतिमा को क्षतिग्रस्त करने का मामला सामने आया है। यहां असामाजिक तत्वों ने नरांव शिव मंदिर के प्रांगण के पास में स्थापित अम्बेडकर प्रतिमा की अंगुली तोड़ दी और प्रतिमा के चेहरे सहित शरीर पर पेंट अराजक तत्वों ने फेंक दिया।
गुरुवार सुबह जब इसकी जानकारी मिलने पर सैकड़ों की भीड़ इकट्ठी हो गई और पुलिस को सूचना दी। सीओ सहित आधा दर्जन थानों की पुलिस फोर्स पहुंच गई। ग्रामीणों का आरोप था कि यह चौथी बार है जब प्रतिमा को तोड़ा गया है, हर बार पुलिस सिर्फ कार्रवाई का आश्वासन देती है, लेकिन कोई ठोस कार्रवाई नहीं की जाती। इस बार भी अभी तक अराजकतत्वों को पकड़ नहीं गया है।
ग्रामीणों का कहना है कि जब तक सीसीटीवी कैमरा नहीं लगेगा और बाउंड्री नहीं होगी तब तक हम लोग यहां से नहीं जाएंगे। नराव में स्थापित अंबेडकर प्रतिमा को अभी फरवरी माह में ही अराजकतत्वों ने तोड़ दी थी। पुलिस ने मरम्मत करा कर लोगों को शांत कराया था। उसे समय भी ग्रामीणों ने सीसीटीवी कैमरा लगवाने और चहादिवारी करने की मांग की थी।
पुलिस ने आश्वासन दिया था कि एक माह के अंदर हो जाएगा, लेकिन नहीं हो पाया। गुरुवार की सुबह चौथी बार प्रतिमा को तोड़ा गया है। ग्रामीणों का कहना है कि इस बार जब तक सीसीटीवी कैमरा और बाउंड्री वॉल नहीं होगा हम लोग नहीं मानेंगे। अभी मौके पर पुलिस फोर्स तैनात है।
बलिया में रेवती रेलवे स्टेशन को पूर्ण स्टेशन के रूप में बहाल करने की मांग को लेकर फिर एकजुट हुए लोग

बलिया के रेवती हाल्ट रेलवे स्टेशन को दोबारा से पूर्ण स्टेशन के रूप में बहाल करने की मांग को लेकर एक बार फिर लोग एकजुट हुए। हजारों लोगों का जत्था रेलवे स्टेशन पर जुटा। विभिन्न स्थानों से आए लोगों ने अपनी आवाज उठाई। हालांकि, रेलवे स्टेशन पुलिस ने धरना प्रदर्शन कर रहे लोगों को परिसर में बैठने से मना कर दिया। इसके बाद पुलिस और प्रदर्शनकारियों के बीच हॉट टॉक हुआ।
धरने को संबोधित करते हुए रेलवे स्टेशन बचाओ संघर्ष समिति के अध्यक्ष लक्ष्मण पाण्डेय ने बताया कि रेलवे स्टेशन आजादी के मूक गवाह है, जिसके पहले हॉल्ट स्टेशन बना दिया है। हम बार-बार धरना प्रदर्शन करके स्टेशन को पूर्ण स्टेशन का दर्जा दिए जाने की मांग कर रहे हैं, लेकिन अभी तक हमारी मांगों पर कोई सुनवाई नहीं की जा रही है, जिससे मजबूर होकर हमें धरना प्रदर्शन करना पड़ा।
अखिल भारतीय उद्योग व्यापार मंडल के प्रदेश उपाध्यक्ष अरविंद गांधी ने बताया कि 13 सितंबर को रेवती निवासी एक व्यापारी ट्रेन पकड़ते समय दोनों पैर कट गए, जिसके कुछ दिनों बाद उनकी मृत्यु हो गई। उन्होंने इस घटना का जिम्मेदार रेवती को हाल्ट बनाने की सुविधा विहीनता को बताया।
बता दें कि प्रदर्शन कर रहे लोगों ने मांग पूरी नहीं होने पर अनशन की भी चेतावनी दी। राणा योगेंद्र विक्रम सिंह माण्डलू ने कहा कि “हमारा धरना-प्रदर्शन क्रमिक अनशन तब तक चलेगा जब तक हमारी मांगें पूरी नहीं होतीं।” अमित पाण्डेय पप्पू ने इसे आजादी से पहले का स्टेशन बताते हुए इस पर ध्यान देने की अपील की। डॉ. आरबीएन पाण्डेय ने कहा कि धरना प्रदर्शन के बाद आमरण अनशन की तैयारी है।
धरने से पहले नगर पंचायत रेवती बाजार के व्यापारियों ने पूर्ण रूप से बाजार बंद रखा और धरना प्रदर्शन में भाग लिया। इस दौरान एसडीएम बांसडीह अभिषेक प्रियदर्शी और सीओ बैरिया मोहम्मद उस्मान धरनास्थल पर पहुंचे और वार्ता की। उन्होंने चार मांगपत्र लिए और धरनास्थल पर चार लोगों को बैठकर प्रदर्शन करने की सहमति दी।
कार्यक्रम का संचालन कामरेड ओमप्रकाश उर्फ मुन्नू कुंवर ने किया। इस दौरान आरपीएफ प्रभारी बीके सिंह और थानाध्यक्ष रेवती रोहन राकेश सिंह मय फोर्स मुस्तैद रहे। मौके पर आरएनपी स्कूल की प्रबंधक सुनीता पाण्डेय, महावीर तिवारी, विरेश तिवारी, अरूण तिवारी, भोला ओझा, राजेश गुप्ता सहित अन्य लोग भी मौजूद थे।
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