New Urge for Regional Leadership in the WANA: Implications for India

It was not long after the political turmoil began in the Arab world four years ago that a new era
in the erstwhile political disposition had set in. In the last four years, the region has been marked
by the political uncertainties, growing Jihadism and extremism in the form of ISIS, escalation of
multi-pronged conflict among different stakeholders for ascendancy in the region. Arab Spring
has not merely impacted the internal politics causing mess, anarchy, significant increase in the
fatalities and chaos within each country but engendered the emergence of a new conflict
involving all big and small powers in one way or the other. Four nations in particular are
embroiled in horrible civil war: Syria, Yemen, Libya and Iraq. The civil war in Syria seems bit
harder to end in near future because of the involvement of multiple forces making the situation
more complex and creating deeper division at different levels. US and its allies have failed to
build a Syrian opposition army which could defeat the force of President Assad and Turkey
seems to be retreating from its earlier position because of its problems at home. 1
Libya is in mess where two parallel governments are running and challenging each other.
Secular-religious divide is growing on top of other long standing tribal division. As far as Yemen
is concerned, Saudi continues to back the weak Sunni regime while Shiite Houthi are acting as a
proxy for Iranian government. Iraq is completely enmeshed in bloody sectarian war for last few
years and the rise of ISIS has further complicated the situation there. Moreover, Iran nuclear deal
has further escalated the situation where a feeling of insecurity has grown among the Gulf
The geopolitics of the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) at present can be seen as the
combination of internal pressures and external demands. The current political transformation
seems to have shifted the decades-old Israel-centric Arab conflict to a regional sectarian conflict.
If one country is threatened with the initial democratic spirit of Arab uprising, it was Saudi
Arabia which adopted multi-faceted means( from coercion to financial package to religious
rhetoric ) to overwhelm the political spirit of Arab Spring and blame its rival Iran which has been
traditionally seen through the prism of an ideological and strategic protagonist within Saudi
Arabia. The beginning of the turmoil deepened the Arab-Persian divergence and both sides
deployed their strategic, sectarian and ideological potential and depth to corner each other and
Syria emerged as the biggest theatre of the sectarian conflict. While Arab Spring seemed to be an
imminent threat to the ruling family of Saudi Arabia and its strategic allies but for Iran it was a
golden opportunity to venture and manoeuvre the situation to regain the lost ground in the region
after its prolonged isolation of nearly four decades. The involvement of Iran and Saudi Arabia in
the proxy war in Syria ushered into a renewed geopolitical rivalry and its gradual transcendence
1 Kenneth Pollack and Barbara F. Walter, “Escaping the Civil War Trap in the Middle East”, Washington Quarterly.
August 03, 2015. http://twq.elliott.gwu.edu/escaping-civil- war-trap- middle-east , Accessed on August o5, 2015
in Bahrain, Yemen and other places mutated the political turmoil into a battle for redrawing the
national boundaries based on ethnic and sectarian lines.
Not long after the unrest spread across other parts of the region, Saudi Arabia geared itself to
confront the growing influence of Iran and sent the Gulf troops to crush the political movement
in Bahrain and extended all political and economic support to Syrian rebel forces.
The search for new leadership in the region and subsequent contention between Tehran and
Riyadh is twined with a will to preserve its own regime and strategic ploys to weaken the other
and that became a dominant feature of regional dynamics. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia are using
all means at their disposals ranging from the politics of coercion to economic package to military
power (attack on Yemen, financial package to Morocco and Jordan and earlier failed mediation
in Yemen). For Saudi Arabia, the biggest challenge is to protect its close allies and create the
sphere of influence in the neighbourhood. The notion of Shiite crescent and Pan-Shiism
emanating from the Sunni-Shiite rivalry has become a worrisome issue for Gulf nations. This has
been further propelled by Iran’s growing influence and attempt to political penetration in the
Arab states through its strategic copartners like Shiite regime in Iraq, Syria, Hezbollah in
Lebanon, opposition groups in Bahrain and Houthi rebels in Yemen. The main objective of Saudi
Arabia has been to see that GCC nations not pervaded by the uprising and prevent other powers
not being swayed by the overall developments talking place in the Arab world.
Today’s visible socio-political makeover in the region is marked by interplay of several past and
present factors: absence of US omnipresent status in the region and proven limitation of its
military overarching , process of fragmentation and unification within the regional polity and its
threat to the whole world and one decade of developments in Iraq. The onset of turmoil added to
the volatile situation and power like Iran and Saudi Arabia did not take long to strategize the
region to suit their own strategic interests. New regional aspirations were not confined to duel
powers of Iran and Saudi Arabia alone but nation like Qatar could not hide its urge for a role in
the region. Its political stance in Libya, Syria, Egypt and Iran was predictably different from the
Saudi Arabia and Qatar drove the GCC in Yemen against the wishes of Saudi Arabia. Qatar,
eager to restore its influence in the West, is bankrolling new generations of Islamist forces in
Egypt, Libya and Syria and its opposition to the military coup in Egypt made the hostility
between two more evident.
In addition to Iran and Saudi Arabia, Turkey too could not hide its regional ambition and amidst
the strategic shift and claimed to become one of the regional actors along with Iran and Saudi
Arabia. Only at the early stage of the turmoil, Turkey received new boost and projected its
democratic Islamist model for those countries which had become vulnerable to the multiple
political and ideological formulations during the uprising. Turkey did not only preach its
ideological model but acted as an interventionist power and was the first to call for the removal
of President Assad of Syria. It also hosted anti-Assad rebels in Ankara. After the political
uprising, Turkey could not hide its ambition to be acknowledged as a regional player and its
support for Muslim Brotherhood ( MBH ) in Egypt , high sounding anti-Israel rhetoric and
support to present Saudi-led Operation Precise in Yemen are indicative of its ambitious design
in the regional strategic game.
More over Turkey’s current airstrikes against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) and Kurdish
Workers’ Party (PKK) bases in Syria and Iraq have given a new direction to the geopolitics of
the region. Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davotoglu himself has said that Turkey can change
the game in Iraq and Syria and the entire region. It is worth mentioning here that the apparently
ISIS suicide attacks in the town of Suruc bordering Syria and the PKK attacks against the
Turkish police in July, 2015 prompted the airstrikes.
Both Iran and Saudi Arabia have their own historical and ideological reasons to show their
displeasure over the growing appeal of the Turkish Islamic democratic model in the region which
commands considerable acceptability in the West too. Turkey’s unabated support to the Arab
Spring was not taken in a good spirit among the Gulf nations and the subsequent condemnation
of Israeli policies by Turkey in Palestine added to its appeal in the Arab world.
When the region is still beleaguered with the unfolding geostrategic trajectory, signing of the
nuclear deal between Iran and the Western powers has added a new chapter to the geostrategic
transformation in the region. The deal may not change the map of the region but it will certainly
change the geopolitics. There is an understandable sense of jubilation in Iran because it will
bring to an end the decades of isolation and on the other hand it has created a sense of insecurity
among the royal family of Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies. The Gulf nations are more upset and
apprehensive of Iran’s new emboldened strategic and economic potential after the signing of the
deal and they have no doubts about the changed political behavior of Iran. What has further
puzzled the situation in the Gulf is dubious interplay of verification versus trust between Iran and
the US as claimed by US President Obama that Iran deal is not built on trust but built on
verification. 2 Meanwhile it is also interesting to note that both are speaking in two different
terms. These developments are causing the decline in the level of trust between the US and the
Gulf nations and it was not a coincidence when one Arab official involved in discussion with
State Department said that, “We have to be very clear about what the future looks like”. 3
The deal is being seen by many of Iran’s rivals in the region as a geostrategic victory for Iran
giving further anchorage to Iran in the affairs of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen which
according to Saudi Arabia and its allies were acting under tutelage of Iran. Moreover, Iran in
near future might have louder strategic claim to fight the ISIS along with others in the region and
the covert cooperation between the West and Iran against ISIS might be indisputable agenda for
One can disagree over the magnitude of Gulf’s fear but cannot deny the state of fear and
apprehensions of the rulers’ vis-à- vis Iranian nuclear deal and they are seeing in the deal an
opportunity for Iran to play greater role and act as an aspirant hegemon of the region. Saudi
Arabia’s reaction to deal has been petulant and not much different from Israel where both
perceive that the deal has the potential to change the geopolitical and strategic map of the region.
2 The Indian Express, 14 July, 2015
http://indianexpress.com/article/world/americas/iran-nuclear- deal-is- built-on- verification-not- on-trust- barack-
3 The Wall Street Journal, May, 3, 2015.
http://www.wsj.com/articles/gulf-states- want-u- s-assurances- and-weapons- in-exchange- for-supporting- iran-pact-
Successive months would reveal how Iran navigates strategically and what would be response of
other actors like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey. One should not be surprised if in future the
conventional geography-centered nationalism turns into a confessional nationalism where
present boundaries might cease to exist. It seems increasingly feasible that Levant region would
be divided into smaller states where Syrian, Iraq and Lebanon would be reshaped in term of both
sect and geography. The sectarian hue in the emerging geostrategic design might provide a fertile
ground to different terrorist groups with the full support of Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey as
Rise of the Islamic States in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is an outcome of the ongoing changes in the
political scenario. The role and centrality of the ISIS cannot be undermined in the unfolding
situations. The emergence of ISIS as the most dreaded force in Iraq and Syria and its subsequent
horizontal and vertical spread has challenged the notion of nation-state in the region. In last two
years, it has captured the large swaths of territories in Syria and Iraq and created a political and
ideological space for itself. Its rise has overshadowed other political and militant Islamist forces
and seems bent upon changing the geographical, political and ideological contour of the region.
In the light of above account reflecting the critical situations in the region, it becomes extremely
significant for India to re-look at its engagement with the region. The nature of India’s economic
engagement, where 35% of Indian expatriates live, GCC being the source of one third of Indian
remittances and the biggest trading block for India entails India to adopt a holistic approach
involving both short term and long term assessment as the region is fraught with a series of
variable crises. There are few short term and long term policy options for India in the current
- India should evolve a different approach to different set of crises. On the one hand the
region is embroiled in a sectarian war which is causing as much destruction as the
ruthless Islamic movements in the form of ISIS. On the other hand, there is different set
of ideological and political rivalries among regional players bringing the region at the
brink of disintegration and here: India needs to stride cautiously before identifying the
potential actors in the region and what is needed at the moment is to analyze the
developments critically and prioritize its policies in the transient region accordingly.
- The time has come that India should upgrade and enhance the ambience of relationship
with the region. The rise of violent religious extremism and sectarian violence is a
compelling consideration for utterly unexpected alliance. These developments demand
that India relooks at the region and inject some strategic element in the hitherto trade and
commercial engagement. At present, the region has turned into a volatile zone which
would entail long term and short term security mechanism for India. Some Arab
commentators have called the security in the Gulf a sentimental issue and would like to
use their oil in lieu of security provision of the region. India should ponder over this
proposition and try to diversify its engagement in the light of the new emerging realities.
- India should expand the focus of its strategic ambiance in the Gulf region. It should look
beyond its traditional confines of West Asia when it comes to the issue of national
security’s definition. India needs not to be dragged in the seemingly political rift between
Iran and the Gulf nations because both are important and India has enjoyed friendly
relations with both of them.
- The WANA region is passing through a very volatile phase and it poses a series of
challenges to us. Hardening of political and strategic positions on the part of each state is
visible and here India has two options: We could be a pacifier in the whole issue but that
might have security implications for us and meanwhile preferred option could be that we
ensure we are not party to any development taking place in the region.
- Indian government should gear up itself for any unpleasant development in the region.
One cannot deny the possibility of spread of violence in other region where Indian
expatriate are based. In a sudden development, Indians might be forced to secure their
safe exit even if it entails bringing large number of workers back to the country. The
logistic of such a large displacement apart, social and political effects and its adverse
impact on the inward remittance will be massive. In this regard, India should focus on its
drastic management affairs more critically and in particular, Indian mission abroad could
initiate special program on drastic management to confront the similar situations in near
- Though the evacuation of Indian expatriates in the crisis of Yemen received global
appreciation but still we need to identify some major points in case similar crisis erupts in
near future. It was noticed that in emergency situations like Yemen when the Indians had
no option but to flee the country, their passports were either with the sponsor or
company owners and that caused a lot of hardship to them. In this regards, Indian
missions in respective countries should be advised to evolve more comprehensive
mechanism to facilitate the process and reduce the hassles. Indian expatriates in these
countries should be provided with a legal and informative broacher they could utilize in
case they had to leave the country at short notice.
- Indian government should devise a comprehensive plan for its expatriates in the light of
multiple fault lines in the region. The Indian expatriates should not fall prey to this and
there have been instances in the past where different divisive and polemic literatures have
been distributed among the workers in the camp of UAE and other places. It requires an
extensive plan because India is itself a home to variable socio-religious groups.
- Given the political trajectory of last four years in the region, India should be ready to face
any unforeseeable development in the monarchies of the Gulf nations. India should
devise a comprehensive plan and should evolve set of strategies to enhance and diversify
the level of political engagement in the region in addition to economic engagement. India
needs to expedite the process of widening the channel with the Gulf nations.
- Gulf of Aden is a major source of sea route for our oil import and immediate attention
should be paid to secure its safety and same applies to the Strait of Hormuz because India
is poised to be the highest consumer of the energy in the coming decade and subsequently
its prime concern is the energy security. Same is true of the importance of the Arab ports
in the Indian Ocean including the Oman coast because of its important location at the
Arabian Gulf. Though India cannot change the security architect of the region but it can
strengthen security measures and take additional steps to safeguard its interest. We
should pay special attention to safeguard our coastal areas and see it does not fall in the
trap of radical elements and hamper our national security. We could also expedite the
Chabahar project to diversify the lines of communication and it could be developed as
another junction of our import of oil and gas.
- For quite some time, we have been witnessing very low oil and gas price and it is not
likely that demand for oil and gas would increase from western hemisphere while India
will continue to be the importer of gas and oil. Therefore we could develop a mechanism
which would lessen our burden of payment and would be complementary in economic
- In recent years, the region has become quite vulnerable to the rise of non-state actors and
very often, one comes across a new militia or new Islamist radical group which pays
allegiance to the more authoritative one deserting the loyalty to old master. The rise of
ISIS is being viewed as a worrying phenomenon which has thrown the entire region into
disarray. Its non-stop march across the region has not merely exposed the weakness of
the authoritarian states but has challenged the old notion of nation-state. It is well-known
fact that the ISIS is no longer an Arab phenomenon in term of its geographical spread and
ideological appeal. They have reached to the confines of Afghanistan and several groups
in other countries are reported to have deserted their old loyalty to pay allegiance to the
ISIS. It is into this ultra-radical ideological fold that a new breed of educated Indian
youth (like the engineering students who left for Syria t join ISIS last year – Areeb
Majeed, Aman Tandel and Fahad Sheikh) is now getting trained and getting
indoctrinated. 4 There are reports of several Indians joining the fight on the side of ISIS
and being killed in the battlefield. It is important to recognize and understand the new
threat-its worldview, aspirations and goals- for not only getting a proper grasp its
ideology and modus operandi, but also for developing effective counter-terrorism
strategies. Before it is too late and some of Indian radical Islamist groups are swayed by
the rhetoric of ISISI, India should devise comprehensive plan to stop the tide and evolve
both short term and long term mechanism to prevent the Indian youths from falling in the
false trap of the Islamic miscreants.
- Recent past has witnessed a spurt in terrorist activities and particularly in states of
Punjab and Kashmir which has added further threat to our national security. What is more
worrisome is that in the cloak of conventional militants, some ISIS and other Arab radical
elements could penetrate the country and become a long term problems. Our security
should be at the guard of it and not allow extra-territorial radical forces to exploit the
vulnerability in our border areas.
4 West Asia Monitor, Volume 1, Issue, xii-August 2015.
- Indian government should initiate a comprehensive project to counter the literature
propaganda of the ISIS and like-minded entities. In this regard, a series of websites
should be started and the help of Islamic intellectuals, scholars as well as Ulema of
seminaries could be sought because there is no dearth of clergies who do not subscribe to
the propagandist brand of religion. Moreover their voices and their appeal would be more
effective. There should be a special initiative on the part of the government to launch
websites devoted to the Islamic knowledge highlighting the inclusive and composite
feature of Islamic history in India.
- In addition to the institutions like Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) and
Indian Council of Cultural relations (ICCR) which are playing an active role in
highlighting the syncretic feature of all religions in India, civil societies should come
forward in the spread of dictum that what is being preached by the radical elements have
no association with any religious doctrine. They should also come forward to counter the
puritanical and literal interpretation of Islam propounded by ISIS and like-minded
movements in the region. Intelligence services should beef up its watch on the networks
of the radical groups operating in the country and monitor that they do not develop any
coordination with any element of the ISIS. The Intelligence service should develop a
wide-ranging plan of filtering the ISIS literature appearing on its web sites and playing an
instrumental role in the intoxication of the youth.
- India should maintain its conventional policy of non-interventions in the affairs of others.
It is necessary for the pivotal states like India not to middle in the other’s affairs. Though
India in the past did not succumb to US pressure to join war against terror and even today
India has showed its reluctance to join US-led coalition against ISIS but meanwhile
should not shy away from raising the issue at global forum and should support all
resolutions condemning ISIS in global bodies. There are some media repots that some
members of the strategic community also want India to join the war but it would a fatal
on the part of India to join the war which one does not know how long will last.
- After India cast negative vote against Iran at International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) a few years ago, the country had less than cordial relations, our support to the
Iranian nuclear deal would be welcomed in Tehran and pave the way for making a new
beginning. It is time for India to forge deeper ties with Iran to tap its market for its
product and commodities. The natural outcome of the deal is likely to be increase in the
oil production engendering the fall in the price of crude oil and will subsequently help us
in our balance of payment. Our good relations with Iran will have positive impact in our
plans for the Chabahar port an eventually for access to Central Asia. Indian investors
should take advantage of the removal of sanction after they failed to take advantage of
Iranian markets during period of its isolation.
- Strategically India has viewed Iran as a natural ally in Afghanistan in opposition to the
regime of Taliban. Here once again in the backdrop of deteriorating security situation in
the country and new Afghan’s government rapprochement with Pakistan, both Iran and
India can come closer and prepare a new strategic vision to prevent the Afghanistan
from slipping in the hand of radical groups.
Fazzur Rahman Siddiqui
Research Fellow

बलिया स्पेशल
Ballia डीएम और एसपी ने बीएड प्रवेश परीक्षा के दौरान अनेक केंद्रों का किया निरीक्षण

बलिया। उत्तर प्रदेश संयुक्त बी0एड0 प्रवेश परीक्षा (2023-25) बुन्देलखण्ड विश्वविद्यालय, झाँसी के तत्वावधान में दो पालियों में सम्पन्न हुई। कुल 8428 परीक्षार्थियों हेतु बी0एड0 की परीक्षा बलिया जनपद के 19 केन्द्रों में परीक्षा सकुशल सम्पन्न हुई, जिसमें 7333 परीक्षार्थियों ने बी0एड0 प्रवेश परीक्षा में भाग लिया तथा 1095 परीक्षार्थी अनुपस्थित रहे।
परीक्षा के दौरान जिलाधिकारी रवीन्द्र कुमार ने पुलिस अधीक्षक राजकरण नैयर के साथ टाउन डिग्री कॉलेज, जीजीआईसी और शहीद मंगल पांडे राजकीय महिला महाविद्यालय के केंद्रों का निरीक्षण किया। इस दौरान उन्होंने डिग्री कॉलेज के प्राचार्य और जीजीआईसी की प्रधानाचार्य को निर्देश दिया कि परीक्षा के दौरान अभ्यर्थियों के पीने की व्यवस्था की जाए उन्हें भी प्रकार से परेशानी ना हो।
परीक्षा के दौरान जननायक चन्द्रशेखर विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति प्रो0 संजीत कुमार गुप्ता ने विश्वविद्यालय परिसर, कुँवर सिंह स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय, , कुँवर सिंह इण्टर कालेज, , श्री मुरली मनोहर टाउन स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय, एवं सतीश चन्द्र कालेज, का औचक निरीक्षण किया,। जिसके दौरान परीक्षार्थियों के अलावा उपस्थित अध्यापकों एवं कर्मचारियों से माननीय कुलपति जी ने बी0एड0 की प्रवेश परीक्षा के सम्बन्ध में बातचीत की।
बी0एड0 प्रवेश परीक्षा को सकुशल सम्पन्न कराने में बलिया जनपद के नोडल अधिकारी एवं जननायक चन्द्रशेखर विश्वविद्यालय, बलिया के कुलसचिव-श्री एस0एल0 पाल, उप नोडल अधिकारी-प्रो0 बी0एन0 पाण्डेय, नोडल समन्वयक-प्रो0 अरविन्द नेत्र पाण्डेय एवं उप नोडल समन्वयक-डाॅ0 अजय कुमार चैबे बुन्देलखण्ड विश्वविद्यालय के प्रतिनिधि डाॅ0 संजय कुमार एवं डाॅ0 उमेश कुमार ने जिला प्रशासन के सहयोग से महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई।
बसपा विधायक उमाशंकर सिंह समेत 5 विधायक बनें जननायक चंद्रशेखर यूनिवर्सिटी के सदस्य

बलिया के 2 विधायकों समेत 5 विधायकों को जननायक चंद्रशेखर विश्वविद्यालय का सदस्य नामित किया गया है। जिले के 2 विधायकों में जिले के बांसडीह विधानसभा क्षेत्र से विधायक चुनी गई भाजपा की केतकी सिंह और रसड़ा विधानसभा से तीसरी बार विधायक चुने गए बसपा के उमाशंकर सिंह शामिल हैं।
उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा के अध्यक्ष सतीश महाना ने चंद्रशेखर विश्वविद्यालय के लिए कुल पांच विधायकों को नामित किया है। यह सदस्य संगत अधिनियम के तहत सदन द्वारा विधिवत निर्वाचित माने जाएंगे। इसकी अधिसूचना शनिवार को जारी कर दी गई।
प्रमुख सचिव द्वारा जारी किए गए आदेश में केतकी सिंह और उमाशंकर सिंह के अलावा आजमगढ़ की गोपालपुर विधानसभा क्षेत्र से दूसरी बार विधायक चुने गए सपा के नफीस अहमद और देवरिया जिले से विधायक डॉ. शलभ मणि त्रिपाठी और सुरेंद्र चौरसिया को विश्वविद्यालय की सभा का सदस्य नामित किया गया है।
Up Board Result- मजदूर की बेटी ने बलिया में किया टॉप

बलिया में यूपी बोर्ड परीक्षा परिणाम में इंटर में मजदूर की बेटी ने जिले में पहला स्थान प्राप्त कर अपने पिता सहित क्षेत्र का नाम रोशन किया है। रसड़ा क्षेत्र के कोप की रहने वाली अंजली पुत्री विपिन ने 475/ 500 अंक पाकर जिले पहले स्थान पर कब्जा जमाया है। उसकी पढाई किसान इंटर कालेज शिवधरपुर सिलहटा से पूरी हुई है।
बातचीत में अंजलि ने बताया कि उसके पिता मजदूरी करते है। वह तीन बहनों में सबसे छोटी है। बड़ी बहन की शादी हो चुकी है, दूसरी इंटर करने के बाद घर पर है। पूछने बताया कि अभी भविष्य के बारे में कोई प्लान नहीं है क्योंकि मेरी आर्थिक स्थिति अच्छी नहीं है। पापा मजदूरी करते है इसलिए आगे के बारे में कुछ सोचा नहीं है। उसकी कामयाबी पर क्षेत्रीय लोग बधाई देने जाने लगे।
467/500 अंक पाकर जनपद में द्वितीय स्थान पर रहने वाली भीमपुरा क्षेत्र के रामपुर गांव के ग्राम प्रधान विवेक कुमार की छोटी बहन मोहिनी गोंड पुत्र अनिल गोंड ने अपने अच्छे परिणाम के लिए परिजनों सहित शिक्षकों को कामयाबी का श्रेय दिया है। उसने बताया कि वह आगे चलकर आईएस बनकर समाज की सेवा करना चाहती है।
उसके पिता यूपी पुलिस में कार्यरत है। उसकी कामयाबी सुनकर विद्यालय के शिक्षक ओमहरी पांडेय, शमीम अहमद, आफताब अंसारी आदि मोहिनी के घर पहुँचकर इसके भविष्य की कामना की।
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